Source code for

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import numpy as np
import tables
import warnings
from scipy import sparse
from deepdish import conf
    import pandas as pd
    _pandas = True
except ImportError:
    _pandas = False

    from types import SimpleNamespace
    _sns = True
except ImportError:
    _sns = False

from deepdish import six


# Types that should be saved as pytables attribute
ATTR_TYPES = (int, float, bool, six.string_types, six.binary_type,
              np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.uint8,
              np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64, np.float16, np.float32,
              np.float64, np.bool_, np.complex64, np.complex128)

if _pandas:
    class _HDFStoreWithHandle(
        def __init__(self, handle):
            self._path = None
            self._complevel = None
            self._complib = None
            self._fletcher32 = False
            self._filters = None

            self._handle = handle

def is_pandas_dataframe(level):
    return ('pandas_version' in level._v_attrs and
            'pandas_type' in level._v_attrs)

class ForcePickle(object):
    When saving an object with ``, you can wrap objects in this
    class to force them to be pickled. They will automatically be unpacked at
    load time.
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.obj = obj

class Compression(object):
    Class to enable explicit compression settings for individual arrays.
    def __init__(self, obj, compression='default'):
        self.obj = obj
        self.compression = compression

def _dict_native_ok(d):
    This checks if a dictionary can be saved natively as HDF5 groups.

    If it can't, it will be pickled.
    if len(d) >= 256:
        return False

    # All keys must be strings
    for k in d:
        if not isinstance(k, six.string_types):
            return False

    return True

def _get_compression_filters(compression='default'):
    if compression == 'default':
        config = conf.config()
        compression = config.get('io', 'compression')
    elif compression is True:
        compression = 'zlib'

    if (compression is False or compression is None or
        compression == 'none' or compression == 'None'):
        ff = None
        if isinstance(compression, (tuple, list)):
            compression, level = compression
            level = 9

            ff = tables.Filters(complevel=level, complib=compression,
        except Exception:
            warnings.warn(("( Missing compression method {}: "
                           "no compression will be used.").format(compression))
            ff = None
    return ff

def _save_ndarray(handler, group, name, x, filters=None):
    if np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.unicode_):
        # Convert unicode strings to pure byte arrays
        strtype = b'unicode'
        itemsize = x.itemsize // 4
        atom = tables.UInt8Atom()
        x = x.view(dtype=np.uint8)
    elif np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.string_):
        strtype = b'ascii'
        itemsize = x.itemsize
        atom = tables.StringAtom(itemsize)
        atom = tables.Atom.from_dtype(x.dtype)
        strtype = None
        itemsize = None

    if x.ndim > 0 and np.min(x.shape) == 0:
        sh = np.array(x.shape)
        atom0 = tables.Atom.from_dtype(np.dtype(np.int64))
        node = handler.create_array(group, name, atom=atom0,
        node._v_attrs.zeroarray_dtype = np.dtype(x.dtype).str.encode('ascii')
        node[:] = sh

    if x.ndim == 0 and len(x.shape) == 0:
        # This is a numpy array scalar. We will store it as a regular scalar instead,
        # which means it will be unpacked as a numpy scalar (not numpy array scalar)
        setattr(group._v_attrs, name, x[()])

    # For small arrays, compression actually leads to larger files, so we are
    # settings a threshold here. The threshold has been set through
    # experimentation.
    if filters is not None and x.size > 300:
        node = handler.create_carray(group, name, atom=atom,
        node = handler.create_array(group, name, atom=atom,
    if strtype is not None:
        node._v_attrs.strtype = strtype
        node._v_attrs.itemsize = itemsize
    node[:] = x

def _save_pickled(handler, group, level, name=None):
    warnings.warn(('( Pickling {}: This may cause '
                   'incompatibities (for instance between Python 2 and '
                   '3) and should ideally be avoided').format(level),
    node = handler.create_vlarray(group, name, tables.ObjectAtom())

def _is_linkable(level):
    if isinstance(level, ATTR_TYPES):
        return False
    return True

def _save_level(handler, group, level, name=None, filters=None, idtable=None):
    _id = id(level)
        oldpath = idtable[_id]
    except KeyError:
        if _is_linkable(level):
            # store path to object:
            if group._v_pathname.endswith('/'):
                idtable[_id] = '{}{}'.format(group._v_pathname, name)
                idtable[_id] = '{}/{}'.format(group._v_pathname, name)
        # object already saved, so create soft link to it:
        handler.create_soft_link(group, name, target=oldpath)

    if isinstance(level, Compression):
        custom_filters = _get_compression_filters(level.compression)
        return _save_level(handler, group, level.obj, name=name,
                           filters=custom_filters, idtable=idtable)

    elif isinstance(level, ForcePickle):
        _save_pickled(handler, group, level, name=name)

    elif isinstance(level, dict) and _dict_native_ok(level):
        # First create a new group
        new_group = handler.create_group(group, name,
        for k, v in level.items():
            if isinstance(k, six.string_types):
                _save_level(handler, new_group, v, name=k, filters=filters,

    elif (_sns and isinstance(level, SimpleNamespace) and
        # Create a new group in same manner as for dict
        new_group = handler.create_group(
            group, name, "SimpleNamespace:{}".format(len(level.__dict__)))
        for k, v in level.__dict__.items():
            if isinstance(k, six.string_types):
                _save_level(handler, new_group, v, name=k, filters=filters,

    elif isinstance(level, list) and len(level) < 256:
        # Lists can contain other dictionaries and numpy arrays, so we don't
        # want to serialize them. Instead, we will store each entry as i0, i1,
        # etc.
        new_group = handler.create_group(group, name,

        for i, entry in enumerate(level):
            level_name = 'i{}'.format(i)
            _save_level(handler, new_group, entry,
                        name=level_name, filters=filters, idtable=idtable)

    elif isinstance(level, tuple) and len(level) < 256:
        # Lists can contain other dictionaries and numpy arrays, so we don't
        # want to serialize them. Instead, we will store each entry as i0, i1,
        # etc.
        new_group = handler.create_group(group, name,

        for i, entry in enumerate(level):
            level_name = 'i{}'.format(i)
            _save_level(handler, new_group, entry, name=level_name,
                        filters=filters, idtable=idtable)

    elif isinstance(level, np.ndarray):
        _save_ndarray(handler, group, name, level, filters=filters)

    elif _pandas and isinstance(level, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, pd.Panel)):
        store = _HDFStoreWithHandle(handler)
        store.put(group._v_pathname + '/' + name, level)

    elif isinstance(level, (sparse.dok_matrix,
        raise NotImplementedError(
            ' does not support DOK or LIL matrices; '
            'please convert before saving to one of the following supported '
            'types: BSR, COO, CSR, CSC, DIA')

    elif isinstance(level, (sparse.csr_matrix,
        new_group = handler.create_group(group, name, "sparse:")

        _save_ndarray(handler, new_group, 'data',, filters=filters)
        _save_ndarray(handler, new_group, 'indices', level.indices, filters=filters)
        _save_ndarray(handler, new_group, 'indptr', level.indptr, filters=filters)
        _save_ndarray(handler, new_group, 'shape', np.asarray(level.shape))
        new_group._v_attrs.format = level.format
        new_group._v_attrs.maxprint = level.maxprint

    elif isinstance(level, sparse.dia_matrix):
        new_group = handler.create_group(group, name, "sparse:")

        _save_ndarray(handler, new_group, 'data',, filters=filters)
        _save_ndarray(handler, new_group, 'offsets', level.offsets, filters=filters)
        _save_ndarray(handler, new_group, 'shape', np.asarray(level.shape))
        new_group._v_attrs.format = level.format
        new_group._v_attrs.maxprint = level.maxprint

    elif isinstance(level, sparse.coo_matrix):
        new_group = handler.create_group(group, name, "sparse:")

        _save_ndarray(handler, new_group, 'data',, filters=filters)
        _save_ndarray(handler, new_group, 'col', level.col, filters=filters)
        _save_ndarray(handler, new_group, 'row', level.row, filters=filters)
        _save_ndarray(handler, new_group, 'shape', np.asarray(level.shape))
        new_group._v_attrs.format = level.format
        new_group._v_attrs.maxprint = level.maxprint

    elif isinstance(level, ATTR_TYPES):
        setattr(group._v_attrs, name, level)

    elif level is None:
        # Store a None as an empty group
        new_group = handler.create_group(group, name, "nonetype:")

        _save_pickled(handler, group, level, name=name)

def _load_specific_level(handler, grp, path, sel=None, pathtable=None):
    if path == '':
        if sel is not None:
            return _load_sliced_level(handler, grp, sel)
            return _load_level(handler, grp, pathtable)
    vv = path.split('/', 1)
    if len(vv) == 1:
        if hasattr(grp, vv[0]):
            if sel is not None:
                return _load_sliced_level(handler, getattr(grp, vv[0]), sel)
                return _load_level(handler, getattr(grp, vv[0]), pathtable)
        elif hasattr(grp, '_v_attrs') and vv[0] in grp._v_attrs:
            if sel is not None:
                raise ValueError("Cannot slice this type")
            v = grp._v_attrs[vv[0]]
            if isinstance(v, np.string_):
                v = v.decode('utf-8')
            return v
            raise ValueError('Undefined entry "{}"'.format(vv[0]))
        level, rest = vv
        if level == '':
            return _load_specific_level(handler, grp.root, rest, sel=sel,
            if hasattr(grp, level):
                return _load_specific_level(handler, getattr(grp, level),
                                            rest, sel=sel, pathtable=pathtable)
                raise ValueError('Undefined group "{}"'.format(level))

def _load_pickled(level):
    if isinstance(level[0], ForcePickle):
        return level[0].obj
        return level[0]

def _load_nonlink_level(handler, level, pathtable, pathname):
    Loads level and builds appropriate type, without handling softlinks
    if isinstance(level, tables.Group):
        if _sns and (level._v_title.startswith('SimpleNamespace:') or
                     DEEPDISH_IO_ROOT_IS_SNS in level._v_attrs):
            val = SimpleNamespace()
            dct = val.__dict__
        elif level._v_title.startswith('list:'):
            dct = {}
            val = []
            dct = {}
            val = dct
        # in case of recursion, object needs to be put in pathtable
        # before trying to fully load it
        pathtable[pathname] = val

        # Load sub-groups
        for grp in level:
            lev = _load_level(handler, grp, pathtable)
            n = grp._v_name
            # Check if it's a complicated pair or a string-value pair
            if n.startswith('__pair'):
                dct[lev['key']] = lev['value']
                dct[n] = lev

        # Load attributes
        for name in level._v_attrs._f_list():
            if name.startswith(DEEPDISH_IO_PREFIX):
            v = level._v_attrs[name]
            dct[name] = v

        if level._v_title.startswith('list:'):
            N = int(level._v_title[len('list:'):])
            for i in range(N):
            return val
        elif level._v_title.startswith('tuple:'):
            N = int(level._v_title[len('tuple:'):])
            lst = []
            for i in range(N):
            return tuple(lst)
        elif level._v_title.startswith('nonetype:'):
            return None
        elif is_pandas_dataframe(level):
            assert _pandas, "pandas is required to read this file"
            store = _HDFStoreWithHandle(handler)
            return store.get(level._v_pathname)
        elif level._v_title.startswith('sparse:'):
            frm = level._v_attrs.format
            if frm in ('csr', 'csc', 'bsr'):
                shape = tuple(level.shape[:])
                cls = {'csr': sparse.csr_matrix,
                       'csc': sparse.csc_matrix,
                       'bsr': sparse.bsr_matrix}
                matrix = cls[frm](shape)
                matrix.indices = level.indices[:]
                matrix.indptr = level.indptr[:]
                matrix.maxprint = level._v_attrs.maxprint
                return matrix
            elif frm == 'dia':
                shape = tuple(level.shape[:])
                matrix = sparse.dia_matrix(shape)
                matrix.offsets = level.offsets[:]
                matrix.maxprint = level._v_attrs.maxprint
                return matrix
            elif frm == 'coo':
                shape = tuple(level.shape[:])
                matrix = sparse.coo_matrix(shape)
                matrix.col = level.col[:]
                matrix.row = level.row[:]
                matrix.maxprint = level._v_attrs.maxprint
                return matrix
                raise ValueError('Unknown sparse matrix type: {}'.format(frm))
            return val

    elif isinstance(level, tables.VLArray):
        if level.shape == (1,):
            return _load_pickled(level)
            return level[:]

    elif isinstance(level, tables.Array):
        if 'zeroarray_dtype' in level._v_attrs:
            # Unpack zero-size arrays (shape is stored in an HDF5 array and
            # type is stored in the attibute 'zeroarray_dtype')
            dtype = level._v_attrs.zeroarray_dtype
            sh = level[:]
            return np.zeros(tuple(sh), dtype=dtype)

        if 'strtype' in level._v_attrs:
            strtype = level._v_attrs.strtype
            itemsize = level._v_attrs.itemsize
            if strtype == b'unicode':
                return level[:].view(dtype=(np.unicode_, itemsize))
            elif strtype == b'ascii':
                return level[:].view(dtype=(np.string_, itemsize))
        # This serves two purposes:
        # (1) unpack big integers: the only time we save arrays like this
        # (2) unpack non-deepdish "scalars"
        if level.shape == ():
            return level[()]

        return level[:]

def _load_level(handler, level, pathtable):
    Loads level and builds appropriate type, handling softlinks if necessary
    if isinstance(level,
        # this is a link, so see if target is already loaded, return it
        pathname =
        node = level()
        # not a link, but it might be a target that's already been
        # loaded ... if so, return it
        pathname = level._v_pathname
        node = level
        return pathtable[pathname]
    except KeyError:
        pathtable[pathname] = _load_nonlink_level(handler, node, pathtable,
        return pathtable[pathname]

def _load_sliced_level(handler, level, sel):
    if isinstance(level,
        # this is a link; get target:
        level = level()

    if isinstance(level, tables.VLArray):
        if level.shape == (1,):
            return _load_pickled(level)
            return level[sel]

    elif isinstance(level, tables.Array):
        return level[sel]

        raise ValueError('Cannot partially load this data type using `sel`')

[docs]def save(path, data, compression='default'): """ Save any Python structure to an HDF5 file. It is particularly suited for Numpy arrays. This function works similar to ````, except if you save a Python object at the top level, you do not need to issue ``data.flat[1]`` to retrieve it from inside a Numpy array of type ``object``. Five types of objects get saved natively in HDF5, the rest get serialized automatically. For most needs, you should be able to stick to the five, which are: * Dictionaries * Lists and tuples * Basic data types (including strings and None) * Numpy arrays * SimpleNamespaces (for Python >= 3.3, but see note below) A recommendation is to always convert your data to using only these five ingredients. That way your data will always be retrievable by any HDF5 reader. A class that helps you with this is `deepdish.util.Saveable`. Note that the SimpleNamespace type will be read in as dictionaries for earlier versions of Python. This function requires the `PyTables <>`_ module to be installed. You can change the default compression method by create a ``~/.deepdish.conf``, that could look like: ``` [io] compression: blosc ``` This is the recommended compression method if you plan to use your HDF5 files exclusively through deepdish (or PyTables). Parameters ---------- path : string Filename to which the data is saved. data : anything Data to be saved. This can be anything from a Numpy array, a string, an object, or a dictionary containing all of them including more dictionaries. compression : string or tuple Set compression method, choosing from `blosc`, `zlib`, `lzo`, `bzip2` and more (see PyTables documentation). It can also be specified as a tuple (e.g. ``('blosc', 5)``), with the latter value specifying the level of compression, choosing from 0 (no compression) to 9 (maximum compression). Set to `None` to turn off compression. The default is `zlib`, since it is highly portable; for much greater speed, try for instance `blosc`. See also -------- load """ filters = _get_compression_filters(compression) with tables.open_file(path, mode='w') as h5file: # If the data is a dictionary, put it flatly in the root group = h5file.root group._v_attrs[DEEPDISH_IO_VERSION_STR] = IO_VERSION idtable = {} # dict to keep track of objects already saved # Sparse matrices match isinstance(data, dict), so we'll have to be # more strict with the type checking if type(data) == type({}) and _dict_native_ok(data): idtable[id(data)] = '/' for key, value in data.items(): _save_level(h5file, group, value, name=key, filters=filters, idtable=idtable) elif (_sns and isinstance(data, SimpleNamespace) and _dict_native_ok(data.__dict__)): idtable[id(data)] = '/' group._v_attrs[DEEPDISH_IO_ROOT_IS_SNS] = True for key, value in data.__dict__.items(): _save_level(h5file, group, value, name=key, filters=filters, idtable=idtable) else: _save_level(h5file, group, data, name='data', filters=filters, idtable=idtable) # Mark this to automatically unpack when loaded group._v_attrs[DEEPDISH_IO_UNPACK] = True
[docs]def load(path, group=None, sel=None, unpack=False): """ Loads an HDF5 saved with `save`. This function requires the `PyTables <>`_ module to be installed. Parameters ---------- path : string Filename from which to load the data. group : string or list Load a specific group in the HDF5 hierarchy. If `group` is a list of strings, then a tuple will be returned with all the groups that were specified. sel : slice or tuple of slices If you specify `group` and the target is a numpy array, then you can use this to slice it. This is useful for opening subsets of large HDF5 files. To compose the selection, you can use `deepdish.aslice`. unpack : bool If True, a single-entry dictionaries will be unpacked and the value will be returned directly. That is, if you save ``dict(a=100)``, only ``100`` will be loaded. Returns ------- data : anything Hopefully an identical reconstruction of the data that was saved. See also -------- save """ with tables.open_file(path, mode='r') as h5file: pathtable = {} # dict to keep track of objects already loaded if group is not None: if isinstance(group, str): data = _load_specific_level(h5file, h5file, group, sel=sel, pathtable=pathtable) else: # Assume group is a list or tuple data = [] for g in group: data_i = _load_specific_level(h5file, h5file, g, sel=sel, pathtable=pathtable) data.append(data_i) data = tuple(data) else: grp = h5file.root auto_unpack = (DEEPDISH_IO_UNPACK in grp._v_attrs and grp._v_attrs[DEEPDISH_IO_UNPACK]) do_unpack = unpack or auto_unpack if do_unpack and len(grp._v_children) == 1: name = next(iter(grp._v_children)) data = _load_specific_level(h5file, grp, name, sel=sel, pathtable=pathtable) do_unpack = False elif sel is not None: raise ValueError("Must specify group with `sel` unless it " "automatically unpacks") else: data = _load_level(h5file, grp, pathtable) if DEEPDISH_IO_VERSION_STR in grp._v_attrs: v = grp._v_attrs[DEEPDISH_IO_VERSION_STR] else: v = 0 if v > IO_VERSION: warnings.warn('This file was saved with a newer version of ' 'deepdish. Please upgrade to make sure it loads ' 'correctly.') # Attributes can't be unpacked with the method above, so fall back # to this if do_unpack and isinstance(data, dict) and len(data) == 1: data = next(iter(data.values())) return data